20-årige Alexandra Sisseck mistede lørdag eftermiddag livet, da hun bl Übersetzung - 20-årige Alexandra Sisseck mistede lørdag eftermiddag livet, da hun bl Englisch wie soll ich sagen

20-årige Alexandra Sisseck mistede

20-årige Alexandra Sisseck mistede lørdag eftermiddag livet, da hun blev kørt ned af en turistbus i København. x

Den tragiske ulykke skete i krydset ved Store Kongensgade og Dronningens Tværgade tæt ved Amalienborg og Kongens Nytorv, da bussen ville dreje til højre, og af ukendte årsager overså Sisseck, som kom cyklende på Store Kongensgade.

Se også: Vinkonges datter kørt ihjel

Tragedien giver genlyd i hele det danske hestemiljø, og selv om hun for godt et år siden droslede ned på ridningen til fordel for studierne på Københavns Universitet, er hun langt fra glemt hos Dansk Ride Forbund, hvor generalsekretær Jens-Erik Majlund er knust over den tragiske nyhed om hendes død.

– Det er et kæmpe chok for os alle. Dybt forfærdeligt. Jeg ved slet ikke, hvordan jeg skal sætte ord på det. Vi er utroligt kede af det og berørte over det, og vi føler utroligt meget med hendes familie, siger han til Ekstra Bladet.

Han fik først nyheden søndag aften, og han var derfor langt fra færdig med at fordøje den voldsomme information. Det 20-årige talent var nemlig ikke kun usædvanligt dygtig, hun var også usædvanlig sympatisk og elsket af alle.

– Hun var på ungdomslandsholdet i mange år, og hun var en vigtig del af holdet for de unge mennesker. Hun var super sød og en på alle måder fantastisk person. Min egen søn kendte hende særdeles godt, og han holdt meget af hende, siger Jens-Erik Majlund.

Alexandra Sisseck blev søndag mindet på Facebook og på flere hjemmesider for hesteinteresserede.

- Det er så tragisk som det noget kan være. Himlen er blevet en stor stjerne rigere, og dansk ridesport en stor stjerne fattigere, lyd en hilsen på hestegalleri.dk.

- R.I.P. Alexandra Sisseck. Endnu et tab for dansk ridning!
Von: -
Zu: -
Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
20-year-old Alexandra Sisseck lost Saturday afternoon life, when she was run down by a tourist bus in Copenhagen. x

the tragic accident occurred at the intersection at Store Kongensgade and Dronningens tværgade near Amalienborg and Kongens Nytorv, since the bus would turn to the right, and for unknown reasons, Sisseck who came cycling oversaw on Store Kongensgade.

See also: Vinkonges daughter driven to death

The tragedy resonates throughout the Danish horses environment, and even though she just over a year ago scaled down on dressage in favor of his studies at the University of Copenhagen, she is far from forgotten with the Secretary general of the Danish Federation, where the Ride Jens-Erik Majlund is heartbroken over the tragic news of her death.

– It is a huge shock for all of us. Profoundly awful. I know not, How to put words on it. we are extremely sad and concerned about it and we feel incredibly much with her family, he told Ekstra Bladet.

He first got the News Sunday night, and he was therefore far from finished to digest the massive information. The 20-year-old talent was not only exceptionally skilled, she was also exceptionally sympathetic and loved by all.

– She was in the youth team for many years, and she was an important part of the team for the young people. She was super sweet and a great person in every way. My own son knew her very well, and he was very fond of her, says Jens-Erik Majlund.

Alexandra Sisseck was Sunday reminded on Facebook and on several websites for horse enthusiasts.

-It's so tragic as anything can be. The sky has become a big star richer, and Danish equestrian a great Star poorer sound a salute at hestegalleri.dk.

-R.I.P. Alexandra Sisseck. Even a loss to Danish riding!
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
20-year-old Alexandra Sisseck lost Saturday afternoon killed when she was run over by a bus in Copenhagen. x The tragic accident happened at the intersection of Store Kongensgade and Queen Cross Street close to Amalienborg Palace and King's Square when the bus would turn right, and for unknown reasons oversaw Sisseck who rode a bicycle on Store Kongensgade. See also: Vinkonges daughter run over and killed tragedy gives echoed throughout Danish horses environment, and even though she just over a year ago throttled down to riding for studies at the University, she is far from forgotten by the Danish Equestrian Federation, the Secretary General Jens-Erik Majlund is devastated by the tragic news of her death. - It is a huge shock to us all. Deep terrible. I do not know how to put it into words. We are very upset and concerned about it, and we feel a great deal with her ​​family, he told Ekstra Bladet. , he first had the news on Sunday night, and he was therefore far from finished digesting the massive information. The 20-year-old talent was in fact not only exceptionally talented, she was also unusually sympathetic and loved by all. - She was on ungdomslandsholdet for many years, and she was an important part of the team for the young people. She was super sweet and in every way a great person. My own son knew her very well and he was very fond of her, says Jens-Erik Majlund. Alexandra Sisseck was Sunday commemorated on Facebook and on several websites for horse lovers. - It is as tragic as anything can be. The sky has become a big star richer and Danish equestrian a big star poorer sound a greeting on hestegalleri.dk. - RIP Alexandra Sisseck. Another loss for the Danish riding!

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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
20-year-old Alexandra Sisseck lost on Saturday afternoon, when she was run down by a tourist bus in Copenhagen. x

the tragic accident occurred in the cross at Cherry Vale St and the Queen's Tværgade near Amalienborg Palace and Kongens Nytorv, as the bus would turn to the right, and for an unknown reason overlooked Sisseck, as com bicycling at Cherry Vale St.

See also: Vinkonges daughter run kill

The tragedy resonates throughout the Danish horse emiljø and, although she too good a year ago droslede ridningen down on to the advantage of their studies at Copenhagen University, she is far from forgotten in Danish Ride confederation, where secretary-general Jens-Erik Majlund is crushed about the tragic news of her death.

- It is a huge shock for all of us. Deeply awful. I don't knowHow do I need to put words on it. We are extremely sorry and concerned about it, and we feel so much with her family, he says the extra blade.

He was first the news on Sunday evening, and he was therefore far from finished to digest the violent information. The 20-year-old talent was not only exceptionally skillful, she was also unusually sympathetic and loved by all.

- She was on ungdomslandsholdet for many years, and she was an important part of the team for the young people. She was super sweet and a great person in every way. My own son knew her very well, and he was very fond of her, says Jens-Erik Majlund.

Alexandra Sisseck was sunday reminded on Facebook, and on multiple sites for horse einteresserede.

- It is so tragic that it something can be.Sky has become a great star richer, and Danish ridesport a large star poorer, sound a greeting in horse egalleri.dk.

- R. I. P. Alexandra Sisseck. Even a loss for English horse riding!
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